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歷來最差 大馬首相恐飯碗不保 
May 6th 2013, 06:58

路透社 – 


59歲的納吉(Najib Razak)領導的政府經濟表現強勁,選前還祭出總額26億美元的貧戶社會補助,但卻未能在昨天的大選大幅跨越多數,承受來自黨內的保守派壓力。 納吉領導的「國民陣線」(Barisan Nasional)在222席國會贏得133席,反對派領袖安華(AnwarIbrahim)率領的「人民聯盟」(People's Alliance)則囊括89席,較2008年大選增加7席,但仍遠不能拉下全球執政最久的其中一個政府。 納吉所屬的巫統(UMNO)黨內1位要求不具名的高層官員說:「我們可能看到納吉在年底前下台。他可能抵抗,我們不知道,但他交出的表現絕對比較差,他沒有這麼多討價還價的權力。」 仍在巫統位居要職的前首相馬哈地(MahathirMohamad)去年告訴路透社,納吉此次拿下的席次,必須比2008年囊括的140席還要多,否則地位堪慮。中央社(翻譯)
Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak (C) and his other party leaders celebrate after winning the elections at his party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur early May 6, 2013. Malaysia's governing coalition ... 較多 
Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak (C) and his other party leaders celebrate after winning the elections at his party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur early May 6, 2013. Malaysia's governing coalition won a tight national election on Sunday to extend its 56-year rule, fending off an opposition alliance that pledged to clean up politics and end race-based policies in Southeast Asia's third-largest economy. REUTERS/Stringer (MALAYSIA - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS) 較少 

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